Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mac – Week 4: Reading Reflection – The Art of Possibility

Screen captured image: Topic focus for School Improvement Conference - SPARKING Success!
I didn’t get very far into the reading this week before I found the focus for my blog… lighting a spark. According to Ben Zander, “…our universe is alive with sparks. We have at our fingertips an infinite capacity to light a spark of possibility” (p125). This fits perfectly in with the tech conference I sent a proposal to and seems to be the ‘sign’ I needed that says- this is the place you need to be to help light that spark of possibility in others! Zander went on to list some steps and two of those remind me of what my mantra needs to be: “Offer that which lights you up… [and] have no doubt that others are eager to catch the spark” (p126). This pretty much sums up my passion for what I do and all that I have learned throughout my journey both as a student and a teacher. I have always been full of passion and the desire to pass that onto others has been burned deep inside because of how others have inspired or ‘enrolled’ me in this educational trip. They have been my roadmap and their sparks have ignited mine. By offering to others what I discovered along my personal journey and through my research, I can only hope that my light will spark someone else to carry on their own passion and pass the sparks onto others.

Zander, R. & Zander, B. (2000). The art of possibility. Harvard Business School Press: Boston, MA.

Postscript: I just wanted to say I loved this book! It had so many wonderful stories and themes I could relate to. It was a very enjoyable and entertaining read.


  1. Amen, Kathy. Without the passion boredom sets in, for both the teacher and the student. Your post is alive with the sparks of passion that I am certain you ignite in your students. It’s unfortunate when burning isn’t recognized or appreciated until it is burnt out. You have enrolled me.

  2. Kathy, you have a passion and a spark that will ignite many people as you share your knowledge and experience with others. I agree that when we are able to pursue interests that we have passion for we share that spark and spread the excitement. I wish you well as you present your AR project. The audience will surely catch the spark and go on to ignite others as well.

  3. Kathy,
    It is very encouraging to read your reflection. I cannot imagine how many people you have touched with your sparkling and passion that even yourself have not realized it. Definitely that is why we are educators, our willing to leave a fingerprint in others. The possibility to share what we know and see the transformation in others. Keep that passion!

  4. I'm glad you loved the book and caught the spark... :-) jbb
